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- Fagleg prentun á harðri kápu í fullum litamyndabók fyrir kaffiborð
Fagleg prentun á harðri kápu í fullum litamyndabók fyrir kaffiborð
kynning á bókaprentun
Pappírstegund | Listapappír, pappa, húðaður pappír, bylgjupappa, tvíhliða pappír, flottur pappír, kraftpappír, dagblaðapappír, offsetpappír |
Vörutegund | Bók |
Yfirborðsfrágangur | Lamination kvikmynd |
Tegund prentunar | Offsetprentun |
Vöruefni | Pappír og pappa |
Vörumerki | ODM |
Gerðarnúmer | Kaffiborðsbókaprentun |
Atriði | Kaffiborðsbókaprentun |
Stærð | A4/A5/Customize Size |
Kápa | Hardcover 157g + Cardboard |
Notkun | Educational, Reading, Gift, Collection |
Tegund | Bókaprentunarþjónusta |
Litur | CMYK/Pantone |
Frágangur | Matt Film Laminated |
Ink | Top Quality Japanese Soy Ink |
Hönnun | PDF, gervigreind |
Sýnistími | 1-3 dagar |
Upplýsingar um umbúðir |
Suitable products put into the sturdy export carton, each carton shrink wrapped and fastened by belt when shipping by air. Suitable cartons put on plastic pallet, totally shrink wrapped and fastened by belt when shipping by sea. Cost-Effective Book Printing Services Publishing Booklet Magazine Brochures Catalogue Picture Photo Cook Paper Book Printing |
Selja einingar | Stakur hlutur |
Einstök pakkningastærð | 14.8X21X2.5 cm |
Einstök heildarþyngd | 1.000 kg |
Framboðsgeta | 680,000 Pieces per Month (Picture Photo Cook Paper Book Printing) |
Grípandi sögur í stíl: Fagleg prentun á harðri kápu í fullri litamynd fyrir kaffiborðsmyndabók
In a world where digital content often takes precedence, the charm and elegance of printed materials remain unparalleled, especially when it comes to art and photography. A professional printing hard cover full color art coffee table photo book is not just a book; it is a visual feast, a storytelling medium, and a stunning decor piece all rolled into one. These books are designed to showcase the beauty of photography and art in a way that captures attention and sparks conversation, making them essential for any art lover or creative individual.
The Significance of Coffee Table Photo Books
Coffee table photo books have become a staple in modern home decor. They serve as both artistic expressions and sources of inspiration, inviting guests to explore and engage with the content. The images provided illustrate a well-designed art photo book featuring vibrant photographs and a visually appealing layout. The full-color printing captures every detail, from the rich hues of a vibrant dining space to the intricate textures of artistic compositions.
Quality Craftsmanship Meets Artistic Presentation
When considering a professional printing hard cover full color art coffee table photo book, quality is paramount. The construction of the book significantly influences its overall appeal and durability. Here are some key features that define these exceptional books:
Hardcover Durability: A hard cover not only protects the pages but also adds a level of sophistication. The sturdy binding ensures that the book withstands the test of time, making it a long-lasting addition to any collection. The images showcase a well-finished hardcover, emphasizing the quality and thoughtfulness in its design.
Lífleg prentun í fullum lit: The hallmark of a great art photo book is its ability to bring images to life. Professional printing techniques ensure that every photograph pops with color and clarity. The use of high-resolution images and quality inks guarantees that the visual content is presented in its best form, making the book an effective showcase for any artist or photographer.
Elegant Layout Design: The layout of a coffee table book plays a crucial role in how the content is perceived. Thoughtfully designed spreads allow for a balance of imagery and text, guiding the reader’s eye while creating a cohesive experience. Each page can be tailored to highlight key elements, whether through full-page images or creative arrangements that draw attention to details.
Sérhannaðar valkostir: With professional printing services, you can customize your art coffee table book to reflect your unique vision. This includes selecting the size, paper quality, cover design, and even the specific images to include. Personalization adds a special touch, making the book not just a product but a cherished item that resonates with the creator’s style.
Ribbon Bookmark Feature: Many high-quality coffee table books come with practical features such as ribbon bookmarks. This thoughtful addition allows readers to easily keep their place, adding to the user-friendly design. The images depict a ribbon bookmark, showcasing a blend of functionality and elegance that enhances the reading experience.
The Versatility of Art Coffee Table Books
Art coffee table books are incredibly versatile in their applications. Here are several ways they can be utilized:
Home Decor: A professionally printed art photo book serves as a stunning focal point on a coffee table, bookshelf, or display case. Its vibrant images and quality craftsmanship elevate the decor of any room, adding an artistic flair that is both inviting and engaging.
Inspiration and Creativity: For artists, photographers, and designers, these books act as invaluable sources of inspiration. They offer fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and the beauty of various art forms, making them essential references in creative processes.
Personalized Gifts: Customized coffee table photo books make for heartfelt gifts. Whether it’s a collection of family memories, travel adventures, or a tribute to a loved one, a personalized book is a meaningful keepsake that can be treasured for years to come.
Professional Portfolios: Artists and photographers can use coffee table books to present their work in a professional format. A well-designed book serves as an impressive portfolio that can be showcased to potential clients, galleries, or during exhibitions, demonstrating both creativity and professionalism.
A professional printing hard cover full color art coffee table photo book is more than just a collection of images; it is an artistic expression that celebrates creativity, beauty, and storytelling. By choosing to invest in high-quality printed books, you are not only creating a visually stunning decor piece but also preserving memories, inspiring others, and contributing to the appreciation of art and photography.
Whether you are looking to enhance your home decor, create a unique gift, or showcase your artistic endeavors, a professionally printed coffee table photo book offers an ideal solution. With its combination of durability, vibrant color printing, and customizable options, this type of book is a valuable addition to any collection. Embrace the artistry and craftsmanship of a well-designed coffee table photo book, and let it transform your space while telling your unique story.
Finndu besta pappírinn fyrir bókaprentun úr fjölbreyttu úrvali okkar af endurunnum sýrufríum pappírum
gljáandi listpappír
Matt listpappír
Óhúðaður pappír
Litaður pappír
Kraft pappír
Bókaprentun Sérstakt handverk
Yfirborðsmeðferð bókaprentunar er lykilskref til að bæta áferð og endingu verksins.
Foil stimplun
Laser filmu stimplun
Ljómi UV
Gullbrún/Sliver brún
Bókaprentun bindandi leiðir
Vertu skapandi með bækurnar þínar með mörgum mismunandi innbindingarmöguleikum okkar
Fullkomin binding
Stjórn af ramma
Trausta bókaprentsmiðjan þín
Kostir okkar
Við erum leiðandi framleiðandi fyrir sérsniðna bókaprentun. Við höfum fimm einstaka eiginleika við að sérsníða bókaprentun samanborið við aðra söluaðila. Það eru 30 verkfræðingar í R&D deild okkar, yfir 300 reyndir rekstraraðilar í bókaprentunarvörulínum okkar. Við getum veitt eina stöðvunarlausn með ókeypis sérsniðnum þjónustu og hraðri afhendingu. Ef þú ert að leita að 100% hágæða prentþjónustu, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við okkur núna til að fá ókeypis tilboð! Þú verður aldrei fyrir vonbrigðum.
Treyst af alþjóðlegum vörumerkjum
Meira en 10.000 viðskiptavinir elska okkur
Fólk elskar vörur okkar og þjónustu
Skildu hvers vegna viðskiptavinir velja okkur
Algengar spurningar
Algengustu spurningar og svör
MOQ okkar (lágmarkspöntunarmagn 500) er byggt á verkfæra- og uppsetningarkostnaði fyrir verksmiðjuna okkar til að framleiða sérsniðna bókaprentun. Vegna þess að þessar MOQs eru settar til hagsbóta fyrir viðskiptavini okkar til að spara kostnað.
- Magn: Fjöldi eininga sem krafist er.
- Mál: Mál vörunnar.
- Forsíða og innihald: Upplýsingar um forsíðuna og skriflegt efni.
- Litaprentun: Tilgreindu hvort báðar hliðar séu prentaðar í fullum lit (td tvíhliða fullur litur).
- Pappírstegund og þyngd: Tilgreindu pappírsgerðina og þyngd hennar (td 128gsm gljáandi listpappír).
- Frágangur: Gerð áferð sem krafist er (td gljáandi/matt lagskipt, UV húðun).
- Bindunaraðferð: Tilgreindu bindingaraðferðina (td Perfect Bound, Hardcover).
Algjörlega! Eins og með allar bókaprentunarpantanir okkar, því stærri sem pöntunin er, því lægri er einingarkostnaður almennt (meira magn = lotusparnaður).
Tíminn sem þarf til að klára pöntunina fer eftir því hversu flókið og umfang tiltekins verkefnis þíns er, sem ákvarðast í fyrstu umbúðasamráði þínu við vörusérfræðinga okkar.
Til þess að ljúka einstökum kröfum og forskriftum hvers verkefnis tekur það venjulega 1 til 3 virka daga að klára söfnun sýna og 7 til 12 virka daga að klára pöntunina.
Þegar þú vinnur með bókaprentun þarftu ekki að hafa áhyggjur af því að velja hvaða sendingaraðferð þú vilt nota!
Vörusérfræðingar okkar munu hjálpa þér að stjórna og skipuleggja alla sendingar- og flutningastefnu þína til að hjálpa þér að spara kostnað á meðan umbúðirnar þínar eru sendar eingöngu heim að dyrum á réttum tíma!
1.Besta skráin fyrir listaverk er PDF, AI, CDR osfrv.
2.Myndirnar eru í að minnsta kosti 300 DPI.
3.Full blæðing á hvorri hlið um það bil 0,12 tommur (3 mm).