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- Sérsniðin prentun í fullum lit á stofuborði Harðspjalda bókaprentun
Sérsniðin prentun í fullum lit á stofuborði Harðspjalda bókaprentun
Sérsniðin prentun í fullum lit á stofuborði Harðspjalda bókaprentun
Material: glossy art paper
Finishing: custom matte lamination
Sampling time: 3-5 days
Payment: T/T 50% advance payment
The “Flavours of Melbourne” coffee table book, printed using custom full-color printing techniques, showcases over 60 restaurants, bars, and hotels in Melbourne, along with their signature recipes. This hardcover book features a durable cover and high-quality pages, making it a perfect marketing tool for the food and hospitality industry. Its elegant design makes it ideal for use as a restaurant menu display, hotel promotional material, or even as a high-end gift. This book beautifully captures the essence of Melbourne’s food culture, offering businesses a premium way to engage with customers and elevate their brand image.
Coffee Table Hardcover Book Printing Parameter
Eiginleiki | Specification |
Pappír, Pappategund | Coated paper, Paperboard, Cloth paper, Colored paper, Offset paper |
Prentun á hlutum | BÓK |
Yfirborðsmeðferð | Laminering |
Prentunaraðferð | Offsetprentun |
Efni ramma | Pappír |
Undirlagsefni | Pappír, pappa |
Prentunarmeðferð | Offsetprentun |
Vöruheiti | Custom Full Color Printing High Quality Coffee Table Hardcover Book |
Leitarorð | Custom Hardcover Book |
Litur | CMYK litur |
Efni | Glansandi listapappír |
Frágangur | Custom Matte Lamination |
Lágmarks pöntunarmagn | 500 stk |
Kápa | Hard |
Sýnatökutími | 3-5 dagar |
Greiðsla | T/T 50% Advance Payment |
Sölueining | Ein vara |
Stærð stakrar vöru | 44X30X20 cm |
Heildarþyngd stakrar vöru | 15.000 kg |
Coffee Table Hardcover Book Printing Pictures
Custom Full Color Printing Coffee Table Hardcover Book Printing: A Stunning Way to Showcase Your Brand
Introduction to Custom Full Color Printing Coffee Table Hardcover Books
In today’s visually-driven world, custom coffee table books have become a popular medium for displaying art, photography, and valuable content. Whether you’re creating a book to showcase your restaurant, hotel, or business, custom full-color printing coffee table hardcover book printing offers a unique opportunity to present your ideas in a visually captivating format. These books not only offer a tactile experience but also serve as a great conversation starter and a premium item to showcase your brand.
Why Choose Custom Full Color Printing Coffee Table Hardcover Books?
Custom full-color printing coffee table hardcover book printing is a professional way to present your work, whether you’re a photographer, designer, or business owner. With the capability to print vibrant, high-quality images across the pages, this medium ensures that every detail and nuance of your project is captured. From stunning photography of your food menu to artistic depictions of your hotel or restaurant space, custom printing gives your product a polished and refined appearance.
Unmatched Quality and Durability
When choosing custom full-color printing coffee table hardcover book printing, you are investing in both quality and durability. The hardcover design provides added protection, making it a lasting item that can withstand frequent handling. The full-color printing process ensures that your photographs, designs, and text will stand out with vibrant clarity, making each page an aesthetic delight. These books are perfect for long-term display in homes, offices, or hospitality venues, adding a layer of sophistication and elegance to any setting.
The Benefits of Custom Full Color Printing Coffee Table Hardcover Book Printing
1. Showcase Your Brand
Whether you own a restaurant, hotel, or any other business, a custom coffee table book can be a fantastic way to showcase your brand. The “Flavours of Melbourne” book, for example, is a visual tour of over 60 restaurants, bars, and hotels in the city, featuring their signature recipes. A custom coffee table book like this not only tells your brand’s story but also engages your customers through a visually rich narrative, making them feel a deeper connection to your establishment.
2. Stand Out with Premium Design
One of the key benefits of custom full-color printing coffee table hardcover books is the opportunity to incorporate your unique design elements. You can opt for sleek, minimalist designs or choose to include rich, detailed layouts that captivate the reader’s attention. This flexibility allows you to design the perfect book that reflects your brand’s identity, whether you’re showcasing beautiful food photography, architectural marvels, or the ambience of your location.
3. High-End Presentation
Custom full-color printing coffee table hardcover books are a premium item, perfect for showcasing high-end products and services. The durable hardcover ensures that the book maintains its quality over time, while the full-color printing brings your images and text to life. The result is a book that not only tells a story but also serves as a testament to the quality and elegance of your brand.
Applications of Custom Full Color Printing Coffee Table Hardcover Books
1. Restaurant and Hotel Marketing
Many restaurants and hotels are using custom full-color printing coffee table hardcover books as a marketing tool. These books can feature signature recipes, showcase the ambiance of your dining space or hotel rooms, or highlight the unique aspects of your culinary offerings. By incorporating beautifully printed photos of your food, décor, and atmosphere, you create an inviting and visually stimulating experience for potential customers. It’s a great way to encourage guests to visit, while also enhancing your brand’s reputation and visibility.
2. Photography and Art Projects
Custom full-color printing coffee table hardcover books are also the perfect choice for photographers and artists to display their work. The high-quality printing ensures that each image is captured in vivid detail, preserving the integrity of your visual work. Whether you’re a professional photographer wanting to showcase a collection of stunning shots or an artist wishing to present a portfolio of your paintings, this format offers an elegant and tangible way to present your craft to a wider audience.
3. Corporate Branding and Promotional Material
Businesses looking to promote their brand through more than just brochures can benefit from custom full-color printing coffee table hardcover books. Whether used as corporate gifts, premium promotional materials, or part of a branding campaign, these books serve as a sophisticated and effective marketing tool. Custom coffee table books are highly effective in establishing brand identity and building strong relationships with clients and partners by offering them a high-quality, visually appealing product that represents your company’s values and aesthetics.
How Custom Full Color Printing Coffee Table Hardcover Book Printing Works
To create your custom full-color printing coffee table hardcover book, the process starts with selecting the right design and content. Whether you have a specific layout in mind or need help from a professional designer, it’s important to ensure that your book reflects your unique style and message. Once the design is finalized, the full-color printing process begins, using the latest digital and offset printing technologies to ensure crisp, vibrant colors on every page.
Choosing the Right Printing Company
To get the best results for your custom coffee table book, choosing a reliable printing company is crucial. Look for a provider with a proven track record of delivering high-quality, durable products, and one that offers various customization options. Ensure that they use the best materials and printing techniques to bring your vision to life with the highest standards of quality.
Custom full-color printing coffee table hardcover book printing offers a powerful way to present your brand, artistic work, or business in a professional, eye-catching manner. By opting for a custom-designed book, you can showcase your work in vivid detail, capture the attention of your audience, and create a lasting impression. Whether you are looking to create a stunning marketing tool, a portfolio, or a memorable gift, custom coffee table books provide a perfect blend of form and function. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your brand with a beautifully crafted, high-quality coffee table book.
Algengar spurningar
Q.Hvað er lágmarkspöntunarmagn þitt fyrir sérsniðna bókaprentun?
A: MOQ okkar (lágmarkspöntunarmagn 500) er byggt á verkfæra- og uppsetningarkostnaði fyrir verksmiðju okkar til að framleiða sérsniðna bókaprentun. Vegna þess að þessar MOQs eru settar til hagsbóta fyrir viðskiptavini okkar til að spara kostnað.
Sp.: Hvaða upplýsingar þarf ég að veita fyrir tilvitnun?
A: Magn: Fjöldi eininga sem krafist er. Mál: Mál vörunnar. Forsíða og innihald: Upplýsingar um forsíðuna og skriflegt efni. Litaprentun: Tilgreindu hvort báðar hliðar séu prentaðar í fullum lit (td tvíhliða fullur litur). Pappírstegund og þyngd: Tilgreindu pappírsgerðina og þyngd hennar (td 128gsm gljáandi listpappír). Frágangur: Gerð áferð sem krafist er (td gljáandi/matt lagskipt, UV húðun). Bindunaraðferð: Tilgreindu bindingaraðferðina (td Perfect Bound, Hardcover).
Sp.: Ertu með magnafslátt eða verðhlé?
A: Algerlega! Eins og með allar bókaprentunarpantanir okkar, því stærri sem pöntunin er, því lægri er einingarkostnaður almennt (meira magn = lotusparnaður).
Sp.: Hversu langan tíma tekur það að klára pöntun?
A: Tíminn sem þarf til að ljúka pöntun þinni fer eftir því hversu flókið og umfang tiltekins verkefnis þíns er, sem er ákvarðað í fyrstu umbúðasamráði þínu við vörusérfræðinga okkar. Til þess að ljúka einstökum kröfum og forskriftum hvers verkefnis tekur það venjulega 1 til 3 virka daga að klára söfnun sýna og 7 til 12 virka daga að klára pöntunina.
Sp.: Hvaða sendingaraðferð ætti ég að velja?
A: Þegar þú vinnur með bókaprentun þarftu ekki að hafa áhyggjur af því að velja hvaða sendingaraðferð þú vilt nota! Vörusérfræðingar okkar munu hjálpa þér að stjórna og skipuleggja alla sendingar- og flutningastefnu þína til að hjálpa þér að spara kostnað á meðan umbúðirnar þínar eru sendar eingöngu heim að dyrum á réttum tíma!
Sp.: Hvaða gerðir af skráarsniðum styður þú? Býður þú upp á ókeypis hönnunarþjónustu?
A:1.Besta skráin fyrir listaverk er PDF, AI, CDR, osfrv. 2.Myndirnar eru í að minnsta kosti 300 DPI. 3.Full blæðing á hvorri hlið um það bil 0,12 tommur (3 mm).