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Sérsniðin prentuð börn enska fyndna saga hljóðborðsbók
Materials: 350 GSM coated paper
Surface treatment: lamination
Logo printing: custom
Size: any size you want
Custom printed children English funny story soundboard books provide a fun, interactive reading experience. Featuring beloved characters like those from Sesame Street, these books include vibrant, full-color illustrations and a soundboard that brings the story to life. Children can press buttons to hear characters sing, laugh, and make sounds, enhancing their engagement with the story. Perfect for young readers, these books make learning English enjoyable, support language development, and offer a playful way for kids to connect with their favorite characters. Ideal for gifts, classrooms, or home entertainment, they offer an educational and entertaining experience for children.
Flokkur | Upplýsingar |
Pappír, Pappagerð | Coated paper, Cardboard, Cloth paper, Corrugated cardboard, Double-sided cardboard, Colored paper, Kraft paper, Newsprint, Offset paper, Wood-free paper |
Prentun á hlutum | Bók |
Yfirborðsmeðferð | Laminering |
Prentunaraðferð | Offsetprentun |
Merki prentun | Sérsniðin |
Undirlagsefni | Pappír, pappa |
Verkefni | Children’s book printing |
Factory Experience | More than 15 years |
Free Samples | Já |
Pappír | Environmentally friendly high-quality art paper |
Stærð | Any size you want |
Síður | As needed (e.g., 26 sheets) |
Litur | Full color |
Binding | Harðspjalda |
Sölueining | Single product |
Stærð stakrar vöru | 25X18X2 cm |
Heildarþyngd stakrar vöru | 0.350 kg |
Children English Funny Story Soundboard Book Pictures
Custom Printed Children English Funny Story Soundboard Book: A Fun and Interactive Learning Experience
Introduction to Custom Printed Children English Funny Story Soundboard Book
Children’s books have evolved over time to provide not only entertaining stories but also engaging and educational experiences. One of the most innovative products on the market today is the custom printed children English funny story soundboard book. These books offer an interactive storytelling experience that captures the attention of young readers, making learning and reading fun. Featuring vibrant characters and amusing stories, these books use built-in soundboards that play sounds or voice narrations, adding a dynamic, multisensory layer to reading.
Why Choose a Custom Printed Children English Funny Story Soundboard Book?
There’s a reason why soundboard books are so popular among parents and educators. The integration of sound into a child’s reading experience enhances comprehension and retention by allowing them to hear the words, sounds, and character voices in real-time. This feature, especially in a custom printed children English funny story soundboard book, helps children develop better language skills, improves their listening abilities, and sparks creativity. Kids love the interaction with sound, and it also makes the reading experience feel like an adventure they can participate in.
Interactive and Engaging for Young Minds
Custom printed children English funny story soundboard books use sound to create a more engaging atmosphere. When children press buttons embedded in the book, they hear corresponding sounds that align with the story. For example, a character may sing a song, make funny noises, or laugh, which adds depth and excitement to the storyline. This interaction helps children connect more deeply with the content and enhances their engagement with the story, making it less likely they’ll lose interest quickly.
Features of Custom Printed Children English Funny Story Soundboard Books
1. Full Color Custom Printing
The first thing you’ll notice about a custom printed children English funny story soundboard book is its eye-catching design. These books are printed in full color with high-quality images, ensuring that each page is visually stimulating. Bright, bold colors and engaging illustrations draw children into the story, and the custom printing process ensures that every detail of the artwork is crisp and clear. This vibrant visual appeal makes the book even more attractive to children, encouraging them to explore each page.
2. Soundboard Integration
The key feature of the custom printed children English funny story soundboard book is, of course, the soundboard itself. Each page of the book has strategically placed buttons that, when pressed, activate different sounds, voices, or music related to the story. For instance, when a character speaks or a particular action happens in the story, the soundboard provides an audible cue. This dynamic auditory experience allows children to interact with the story, reinforcing the learning process through both sight and sound.
3. Durable and Child-Friendly Design
Custom printed children English funny story soundboard books are designed with durability in mind. Since young children can be quite rough with their books, these books are made with sturdy materials to withstand frequent handling. The pages are thick and durable, and the soundboard is securely embedded within the book, ensuring it can withstand a lot of use. Whether it’s for toddlers or preschoolers, the sturdy construction means the book will last through repeated readings and interactions.
Applications of Custom Printed Children English Funny Story Soundboard Books
1. Learning English through Fun Stories
Custom printed children English funny story soundboard books are a fantastic way to teach English in an enjoyable and interactive manner. By incorporating both visual and auditory cues, children not only learn new words but also develop an understanding of pronunciation, sentence structure, and tone. The repetition of sounds and phrases helps reinforce language concepts, and because the stories are funny and entertaining, children are more likely to enjoy the learning process.
2. Entertainment and Engagement
These soundboard books aren’t just educational – they’re a source of entertainment too! The funny storylines, playful characters, and engaging sound effects keep children entertained for hours. Whether they are laughing at a character’s silly actions or singing along to a fun tune, these books provide endless joy. This makes them perfect for road trips, quiet time at home, or even as gifts that can be enjoyed over and over again.
3. Perfect for Gift-Giving
If you’re looking for the perfect gift for a young child, custom printed children English funny story soundboard books are an excellent choice. Their combination of fun, education, and interactive features makes them a hit with both kids and parents. These books not only provide hours of entertainment but also help children develop essential language skills in a playful and exciting way. Whether it’s for a birthday, a holiday, or a special occasion, these books make a thoughtful and lasting gift that will be appreciated for years to come.
How Custom Printed Children English Funny Story Soundboard Books Work
Creating a custom printed children English funny story soundboard book begins with designing the layout, selecting the content, and incorporating sound elements. The soundboard is then integrated into the book, ensuring that it works seamlessly with the story. Custom printing technology is used to bring the images and text to life with vibrant colors and high-quality prints. Once the book is printed, the soundboard is tested to ensure that each sound functions properly and enhances the overall reading experience.
Choosing the Right Soundboard Features
When designing a custom printed children English funny story soundboard book, it’s important to choose the right features that will captivate young readers. The sound effects should complement the story and make sense within the context of the narrative. For example, when a character dances, the soundboard could play upbeat music, or when a character speaks, the soundboard could repeat their words. These thoughtful features enhance the book’s overall effectiveness and keep the children engaged.
Custom printed children English funny story soundboard books provide an innovative and interactive way to engage young minds. With vibrant illustrations, fun sound effects, and educational content, these books are perfect for fostering a love of reading and language development in children. Whether for learning, entertainment, or as a gift, a soundboard book offers a unique experience that will captivate kids and keep them coming back for more. Choose custom printed children English funny story soundboard books to bring stories to life and make reading an exciting adventure!
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Algengar spurningar
Q.Hvað er lágmarkspöntunarmagn þitt fyrir sérsniðna bókaprentun?
A: MOQ okkar (lágmarkspöntunarmagn 500) er byggt á verkfæra- og uppsetningarkostnaði fyrir verksmiðju okkar til að framleiða sérsniðna bókaprentun. Vegna þess að þessar MOQs eru settar til hagsbóta fyrir viðskiptavini okkar til að spara kostnað.
Sp.: Hvaða upplýsingar þarf ég að veita fyrir tilvitnun?
A: Magn: Fjöldi eininga sem krafist er. Mál: Mál vörunnar. Forsíða og innihald: Upplýsingar um forsíðuna og skriflegt efni. Litaprentun: Tilgreindu hvort báðar hliðar séu prentaðar í fullum lit (td tvíhliða fullur litur). Pappírstegund og þyngd: Tilgreindu pappírsgerðina og þyngd hennar (td 128gsm gljáandi listpappír). Frágangur: Gerð áferð sem krafist er (td gljáandi/matt lagskipt, UV húðun). Bindunaraðferð: Tilgreindu bindingaraðferðina (td Perfect Bound, Hardcover).
Sp.: Ertu með magnafslátt eða verðhlé?
A: Algerlega! Eins og með allar bókaprentunarpantanir okkar, því stærri sem pöntunin er, því lægri er einingarkostnaður almennt (meira magn = lotusparnaður).
Sp.: Hversu langan tíma tekur það að klára pöntun?
A: Tíminn sem þarf til að ljúka pöntun þinni fer eftir því hversu flókið og umfang tiltekins verkefnis þíns er, sem er ákvarðað í fyrstu umbúðasamráði þínu við vörusérfræðinga okkar. Til þess að ljúka einstökum kröfum og forskriftum hvers verkefnis tekur það venjulega 1 til 3 virka daga að klára söfnun sýna og 7 til 12 virka daga að klára pöntunina.
Sp.: Hvaða sendingaraðferð ætti ég að velja?
A: Þegar þú vinnur með bókaprentun þarftu ekki að hafa áhyggjur af því að velja hvaða sendingaraðferð þú vilt nota! Vörusérfræðingar okkar munu hjálpa þér að stjórna og skipuleggja alla sendingar- og flutningastefnu þína til að hjálpa þér að spara kostnað á meðan umbúðirnar þínar eru sendar eingöngu heim að dyrum á réttum tíma!
Sp.: Hvaða gerðir af skráarsniðum styður þú? Býður þú upp á ókeypis hönnunarþjónustu?
A:1.Besta skráin fyrir listaverk er PDF, AI, CDR, osfrv. 2.Myndirnar eru í að minnsta kosti 300 DPI. 3.Full blæðing á hvorri hlið um það bil 0,12 tommur (3 mm).