Custom Yearbook Printing Manufacturers

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  • Sérsniðin árbókarprentun

Sérsniðin árbókarprentun

With over 20 years of experience, Books Printing specializes in delivering high-quality yearbook printing services for clients worldwide. We understand the importance of both durability and aesthetics, ensuring that every yearbook we produce is not only visually appealing but also built to last. Our expertise lies in using premium materials and advanced printing techniques to create yearbooks that preserve memories with vivid colors, clear text, and a professional finish.

Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, our factory is capable of handling a wide range of yearbook projects, from simple layouts to complex, custom designs. Each step of our process is carefully managed with strict quality control measures, ensuring that every yearbook meets the highest standards. We offer a variety of options, including custom cover designs, precise color printing, and flexible binding methods, allowing you to create a unique yearbook that reflects the spirit and milestones of your institution.

At Books Printing, we are committed to providing exceptional quality and attention to detail, helping our clients produce yearbooks that will be cherished for years to come.

Fully Customizable Services

BooksPrinting offers comprehensive book printing customization services, allowing clients to choose the style, size, cover finish, and additional features for their books. Whether it's hardcover, paperback, or unique binding techniques, we ensure that every detail meets your specific needs.

Comprehensive Book Printing Solutions

BooksPrinting provides free expert design and logistics support throughout the entire process, from concept to final production. Our team of specialists will guide you every step of the way, helping you optimize each phase of your project to ensure smooth execution and maximum cost efficiency.

Sustainability Commitment

As a responsible printing factory, BooksPrinting is committed to offering sustainable and eco-friendly printing solutions. We use environmentally friendly paper and ink, reducing the carbon footprint of production, and helping your brand achieve high-quality print results while promoting a green, eco-conscious mission.

Fast delivery

No matter where you are, we can quickly ship to your country from China, offering global Door-to-Door shipping services. We provide fast turnaround times, with samples ready within 3 days and full production completed in just 10-12 days.

Custom Yearbook Printing Case

Discover yearbook printing solutions for you

Custom Build Yearbook of your dreams

Unparalleled Customization

glanslistapappír 01
Matte art paper 01
Kraftpappír 01 mælikvarði
áferðarpappír 01
Litaður pappír 01
Matt listpappír 03
Paper Stock

At Books Printing, we recognize that choosing the right paper is critical for achieving both exceptional visual appeal and long-lasting durability in yearbooks. Our selection of premium paper options is designed to enhance a wide range of content, from vibrant color photos to detailed illustrations and easy-to-read text. We offer various paper finishes, including glossy for eye-catching images or matte for a refined and sophisticated look, ensuring each project meets specific design needs.

To maintain high-quality visuals, we use high-opacity paper to prevent bleed-through, ensuring that each page presents flawless imagery and crisp text without compromise. Given that yearbooks are often handled frequently and treasured over time, durability is a top priority. Our paper is chosen for its strength and resilience, ensuring the yearbook remains in excellent condition for years to come. Through careful attention to these details, we ensure that each yearbook not only looks stunning but also serves as a lasting memento.

Surface treatment

Surface finishing plays a vital role in enhancing the visual appeal and durability of yearbooks. At Books Printing, we provide a variety of premium finishing techniques to ensure each yearbook is not only aesthetically captivating but also built to last. Options like gold or silver foiling can be applied to the cover, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication, while also offering additional protection. Embossing or debossing further elevates the tactile experience, giving the yearbook a unique and memorable appearance. To protect the cover from wear and tear due to frequent handling, we offer both matte and gloss laminations, which safeguard the surface while providing a smooth, high-quality texture. These finishing techniques are carefully applied to ensure that every yearbook retains its beauty and integrity for years to come, making it a treasured keepsake.

Þynnustimplun 01

Foil stimplun

Deboss 01


Laser filmu stimplun 01

Laser filmu stimplun

Upphleypt 01


Gullbrún Sliver edge 01

Gold edgeSliver edge

Ljómi UV 01

Ljómi UV

Binding method

Choosing the right binding method is essential for ensuring both the functionality and aesthetic appeal of yearbooks. At Books Printing, we offer a variety of binding options that cater to the specific needs of yearbook projects. Spiral binding is an excellent choice for yearbooks that require ease of use, allowing the pages to lay flat for easy viewing and signing. For a more polished look, perfect binding uses strong adhesive to securely hold the pages together at the spine, making it ideal for yearbooks with a higher page count while maintaining a sleek and professional appearance. We also provide more durable options such as case binding, which ensures longevity and a premium feel, perfect for yearbooks meant to preserve memories for a lifetime. Each binding method is chosen to enhance the usability and visual appeal of the yearbook, ensuring it is a treasured keepsake that stands the test of time.

Fullkomin binding 01

Fullkomin binding

Spíralbinding 01


Saumaband 01


Saumþráður 01


Hnakkbinding 01


Stjórn ramma 01

Ljómi UV

Bókaprentsmiðja 15

Um bókaprentsmiðju

Velkomin á! Við erum fagleg prentsmiðja með meira en 20 ára reynslu í bókaprentun. Verksmiðjan okkar er búin 11 háþróuðum prentvélum, þar á meðal Kodak CTP, þýskum Heidelberg og japönskum Komori pressum, sem tryggir mikla nákvæmni og skilvirkni í öllu framleiðsluferlinu. Að auki notum við Swiss Martini sjálfvirkar bindivélar til að veita framúrskarandi bindingargæði.

Síðan 2005 hafa vörur okkar verið fluttar út um allan heim, aðallega til Bandaríkjanna, Kanada, Ástralíu, Evrópu og Miðausturlanda. Hingað til höfum við veitt meira en 10.000 viðskiptavinum hágæða prentþjónustu og hlotið mikla viðurkenningu.

Ef þú ert að leita að áreiðanlegum prentfélaga í Kína er Booksprinting besti kosturinn þinn. Hvort sem þig vantar harðspjaldabók, barnasögubók, stofuborðsbók, myndasögu, matreiðslubók, myndaalbúm eða árbók, sérfræðiþekking okkar og háþróaður búnaður gerir okkur kleift að mæta öllum þínum prentþörfum og bæta vörumerkjaímynd þína. Leyfðu okkur að vinna saman að því að breyta sköpunargáfu þinni í fallegar prentaðar vörur!

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oxford university press 1
mcgraw hill dushkin
hachette logo
Við höfum unnið með þessari bókaprentsmiðju í nokkur ár og hún skilar alltaf framúrskarandi gæðum. Frá pappírsvali til lokabindingar, athygli þeirra á smáatriðum er óaðfinnanleg. Litirnir eru alltaf líflegir og textinn er skarpur. Viðskiptavinir okkar eru mjög ánægðir með árangurinn og við mælum eindregið með þessari verksmiðju fyrir alla sem leita að faglegri og hagkvæmri bókaprentunarþjónustu.
Scott Bramson
Scott Bramson
Forseti hjá Magnum Book Services USA
Útgáfufyrirtækið okkar vann nýlega með þessari verksmiðju að stóru sérsniðnu bókaprentunarverkefni og við vorum mjög ánægð með útkomuna. Hæfni þeirra til að takast á við flókna hönnun og sérsniðnar beiðnir aðgreinir þá frá öðrum söluaðilum. Bækurnar voru afhentar á réttum tíma og þjónusta verksmiðjunnar var framúrskarandi. Við munum örugglega koma aftur fyrir framtíðarverkefni.
Shawn Morin
Shawn Morin
Forstjóri og forstjóri Ingram Content Group
Við höfðum samband við þessa verksmiðju vegna sérsniðins prentunarverkefnis, þar á meðal sérstakar kápur og einstaka pappírsfrágang. Árangurinn er framúrskarandi. Verksmiðjan gat lífgað sýn okkar og útvegað okkur fallegar bækur sem fóru fram úr væntingum okkar. Sérþekking þeirra í að meðhöndla sérsniðnar pantanir, ásamt skuldbindingu þeirra um gæði, gerir þá að fyrsta vali fyrir sérsniðna prentunarþarfir.
Michael Pietsch
Michael Pietsch
Forstjóri Hachette Book Group
Sem forlag þurfum við oft að prenta mikið magn af bókum með ströngum tímamörkum. Þessi aðstaða hefur stöðugt uppfyllt væntingar okkar og skilað hágæða prentuðu efni á réttum tíma í hvert skipti. Lið þeirra var móttækilegt og fagmannlegt, sem gerði allt ferlið slétt og skilvirkt. Við vorum mjög hrifin af áreiðanleika þeirra og gæðum prentþjónustu þeirra.
Judith Curr
Judith Curr
Forseti HarperCollins útgefenda

Algengar spurningar

Normally, the quotation will be sent to you within 1 hour after all the details of the product are clear. If it is urgent, we can quote you within 20 minutes based on all the details you provide.

Yes. The normal production progress is that we will make a pre-production sample for your quality evaluation. After we get your confirmation on this sample, mass production will start.

After receiving the sample fee and confirming all the materials and designs, the sample time is 3 days, and the express delivery usually takes about 3-5 days.

Usually 10-12days. Urgent order is available.

1. The file format should be PDF.
2. The file should include 3mm of extra bleed.
3. The resolution must be no less than 300dpi for better results.

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