Tiskanje otroške zvočne knjige s pravljicami po meri z zvočno funkcijo

Category Podrobnosti
Vrste papirja in kartona Coated paper, Cardboard, Cloth paper, Double-sided cardboard, Kraft paper, Offset paper
Tiskani predmeti KNJIGA
Površinska obdelava Laminacija
Metoda tiskanja Offset tisk
Tiskanje logotipa OEM
Material substrata Papir, karton
Znamka OEM
Model Sound Book
Obdelava tiskanja Offset tisk
Vrsta izdelka Custom Audio Board Book
Postavka Hardcover Sound Board Books
barva CMYK 4 Color Printing
Površinska obdelava Laminacija
Velikost A4, A5, A6 or customize
Tiskanje Offset tisk
MOQ 500 pieces
Logotip Customize logo
Pakiranje Export carton
Vezava Hard or soft cover
Prodajna enota Single product
Velikost embalaže posameznega izdelka XX cm
Bruto teža posameznega izdelka kg

Custom Children’s Audio Storybook Printing With Audio Function: Enhancing Learning Through Interactive Storytelling

Introduction to Custom Audio Storybook Printing

In today’s digital age, children’s books are evolving beyond traditional paper-based formats. The Tiskanje otroške zvočne knjige s pravljicami po meri z zvočno funkcijo offers an innovative approach to storytelling, combining the power of print with interactive audio features. This audio-enhanced book format not only engages young readers visually but also provides an auditory experience that helps children develop their language skills and imagination. Ideal for parents, educators, and publishers, this product allows for custom designs and content, tailored to meet specific learning needs or creative visions.

Key Features and Benefits of Custom Children’s Audio Storybook Printing

1. Integrated Audio Function

The standout feature of this children’s audio storybook is the integrated audio functionality. With the touch of a button or by pressing sound-activated panels within the book, children can listen to the story as they follow along with the vibrant illustrations. This auditory element enhances the reading experience, making the story come to life in a way that traditional books cannot. Whether it’s animal sounds, character voices, or background music, the audio function adds an extra layer of engagement for young readers.

2. High-Quality, Custom Printing

The custom printing of the storybook ensures that each book is vibrant, durable, and designed to attract children’s attention. The pages are printed on high-quality, eco-friendly materials that are safe for children to handle. The colors are bright and vivid, with high-definition images that perfectly complement the story. Additionally, the books can be personalized with the child’s name or specific designs, making them an even more special gift or learning tool.

3. Safe and Durable Design

Safety is a top priority in children’s products, and the audio storybook is no exception. Made with non-toxic, child-safe materials, the book is designed to withstand rough handling, ensuring longevity and durability. The audio components are securely integrated into the book, with child-proof features to prevent tampering. This ensures that the book is safe for even the youngest children to explore independently.

4. Interactive Learning Experience

The audio storybook is more than just a story—it’s a learning tool. The interactive nature of the book encourages children to engage with the content in new ways. As they listen to the audio, children can connect the sounds with the text and images, improving their comprehension, vocabulary, and listening skills. This immersive, multi-sensory experience makes learning fun and reinforces key concepts like colors, numbers, and animal sounds, as well as language development.

5. Customizable Content for Various Themes

One of the major advantages of this children’s audio storybook printing service is the ability to customize the book’s content. Whether you want a story about animals, fairy tales, or adventure, the book can be tailored to fit your specific theme. You can also integrate educational content, such as learning numbers, letters, or even simple foreign language phrases, making this a versatile product that can support a wide range of learning goals.

6. Ideal for Gift Giving and Special Occasions

Custom audio storybooks make for unique and memorable gifts. They are perfect for birthdays, holidays, or any occasion where a special gift is needed. The ability to personalize the book with a child’s name or a special message adds a thoughtful touch that makes the gift even more meaningful. This is an excellent way for grandparents, parents, or friends to give a gift that supports both entertainment and learning.

Applications of Custom Children’s Audio Storybook Printing

1. Early Education and Literacy

Custom children’s audio storybooks play a crucial role in early education. The interactive nature of the audio feature helps children understand the concept of storytelling while simultaneously building their literacy skills. By following along with the audio, children learn to associate words with sounds and images, promoting early reading comprehension and vocabulary development. This makes the audio storybook an invaluable tool for teachers and parents working to foster early literacy in young children.

2. Personalized Children’s Gifts

Custom audio storybooks make perfect personalized gifts. Parents and relatives can create a unique book that tells a special story with the child’s name integrated into the narrative. This level of personalization enhances the child’s connection to the story, making reading more enjoyable and meaningful. The combination of fun characters, engaging audio, and a familiar name creates a lasting impression on the child.

3. Storytelling and Entertainment

Beyond education, custom children’s audio storybooks are excellent tools for entertainment. The engaging audio features—ranging from character voices to fun sound effects—keep children entertained for hours. These books are ideal for quiet time, bedtime, or even long trips. The integration of auditory cues allows children to stay engaged and entertained without the need for a screen, offering a more traditional form of entertainment in today’s digital world.

4. Special Needs Education

For children with special needs, including those with visual impairments or developmental delays, the audio storybook offers a valuable solution. The auditory features provide an alternative means of experiencing the story, making it accessible to children who may struggle with traditional reading methods. Additionally, the multisensory interaction—combining touch, sound, and sight—can help improve focus and stimulate sensory development in a more inclusive way.

Why Choose Custom Children’s Audio Storybook Printing?

1. Immersive and Engaging Learning

The combination of print, sound, and interactivity creates an immersive learning experience that cannot be achieved with traditional books alone. The child is not only reading but actively participating in the storytelling process, enhancing both their learning and enjoyment. This type of engagement is essential for maintaining the child’s interest and making learning fun.

2. High-Quality and Eco-Friendly Materials

Our custom children’s audio storybooks are printed on high-quality, eco-friendly materials that ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for children. The durable construction ensures that the book can withstand the rigors of playtime, while the eco-friendly materials support sustainability. Parents and educators can feel confident that the product is both safe for children and environmentally conscious.

3. Cost-Effective for Large Orders

Whether you’re looking to create a one-of-a-kind book for a special child or producing a series for educational purposes, custom printing offers a cost-effective solution for large orders. By printing in bulk, you can significantly reduce the cost per unit, making it possible to distribute these books to schools, libraries, and other educational organizations at an affordable price.

4. Perfect for Creating Unique Gifts

Unlike mass-produced books, custom children’s audio storybooks can be personalized to meet the needs and interests of individual children. This makes them perfect for creating one-of-a-kind gifts that will be treasured for years. Whether for a birthday, holiday, or any other occasion, a personalized audio storybook adds a thoughtful and lasting touch.


The Custom Children’s Audio Storybook Printing With Audio Function is a game-changer in the world of children’s books. Combining vibrant illustrations, interactive audio, and high-quality, customizable printing, this product offers a fun and educational experience that appeals to young readers. Whether you’re a parent looking for a unique gift, an educator seeking engaging learning materials, or a publisher looking to produce a high-quality children’s book, this custom audio storybook offers a perfect solution. Invest in a custom audio storybook and see how this innovative product can enrich a child’s love of reading, learning, and storytelling.

Možnosti papirja za tiskanje knjig

Poiščite najboljši papir za tiskanje knjig v naši široki ponudbi recikliranega papirja brez kislin

sijajni umetniški papir 01

sijajni umetniški papir

Mat umetniški papir 03

Mat umetniški papir

Nepremazan papir 02

Nepremazan papir

Barvni papir 01

Barvni papir

Kraft papir 01 skaliran

Kraft papir

teksturni papir 01

teksturni papir

Knjigotiskarska posebna obrt

Površinska obdelava tiska knjig je ključni korak pri izboljšanju teksture in obstojnosti dela.

Štampanje na folijo 01

Štampanje s folijo

Deboss 01


Lasersko tiskanje na folijo 01

Lasersko tiskanje na folijo

Bleščice UV 01

Bleščice UV

Zlat rob Srebrn rob 01

Zlati rob/Srebrni rob

Emboss 01


Načini vezave knjig

Bodite ustvarjalni s svojimi knjigami z našimi številnimi različnimi možnostmi vezave

Popolna vezava 01

Popolna vezava

Šivalna vezava 01

Vezava za šivanje

Sukanec za šivanje 01

Sukanec za šivanje

Vez za sedlo 01

Vezava na sedlo

Spiralna vezava 01

Spiralna vezava

Tabla z okvirjem 01

Tabla z okvirjem

Vaša zaupanja vredna tiskarna knjig

Smo profesionalna tiskarna z več kot 20-letnimi izkušnjami na področju tiskanja knjig. Naša tovarna je opremljena s 50 naprednimi tiskarskimi stroji, vključno s stiskalnicami Kodak CTP, nemškim Heidelbergom in japonskimi Komori, ki zagotavljajo visoko natančnost in učinkovitost v celotnem proizvodnem procesu. Poleg tega uporabljamo popolnoma avtomatske stroje za vezavo Swiss Martini, ki zagotavljajo odlično kakovost vezave. Od leta 2005 se naši izdelki izvažajo po vsem svetu, predvsem v ZDA, Kanado, Avstralijo, Evropo in na Bližnji vzhod. Do danes smo visokokakovostne tiskarske storitve zagotovili več kot 10.000 strankam in pridobili široko priznanje. Če iščete zanesljivega tiskarskega partnerja na Kitajskem, je Booksprinting vaša najboljša izbira. Ali potrebujete knjiga s trdimi platnicami, knjiga pravljic za otroke, cknjiga za mizo, stripovska knjiga, kuharska knjiga, foto album oz letnik, naše strokovno znanje in napredna oprema nam omogočata, da izpolnimo vse vaše potrebe po tiskanju in izboljšamo podobo vaše blagovne znamke. Dovolite nam, da skupaj vašo kreativnost spremenimo v čudovite tiskovine!

Naše prednosti

Smo vodilni proizvajalec tiskanja knjig po meri. V primerjavi z drugimi prodajalci imamo pet edinstvenih funkcij za prilagajanje tiskanja knjig. V našem oddelku za raziskave in razvoj je 30 inženirjev, več kot 300 izkušenih operaterjev v naših linijah izdelkov za tiskanje knjig. Zagotovimo lahko rešitev na enem mestu z brezplačnimi storitvami po meri in hitro dostavo. Če iščete visokokakovostne storitve tiskanja 100%, nas kontaktirajte zdaj za brezplačno ponudbo! Nikoli ne boste razočarani.

Oblikovanje tiska knjig
Dobra stopnja kakovosti
Dobra cena
Dobri komentarji
Dostava pravočasno
ISO 45001 merilo
ISO 9001 1 v merilu
ISO 14001 1
BSCI skalirano
CE certifikat

Zaupajo mu svetovne blagovne znamke

Več kot 10.000 strank nas obožuje

Povezan logotip
Deloittov logotip
logotip verizon
Logotip Southwests
Logotip Medtronic
Logotip TOYOTA
Logotip PG

Ljudje imajo radi naše izdelke in storitve

Razumeti, zakaj nas stranke izberejo

S to knjigotiskarno sodelujemo že več let in vedno zagotavljajo izjemno kakovost. Od izbire papirja do končne vezave je njihova pozornost do podrobnosti brezhibna. Barve so vedno živahne in besedilo je jasno. Naše stranke so zelo zadovoljne z rezultati in toplo priporočamo to tovarno vsem, ki iščejo profesionalne in stroškovno učinkovite storitve tiskanja knjig.
Scott Bramson
Scott Bramson
Predsednik Magnum Book Services USA
Naše založniško podjetje je nedavno sodelovalo s to tovarno pri velikem projektu tiskanja knjig po meri in z rezultati smo bili zelo zadovoljni. Njihova sposobnost obvladovanja zapletenih modelov in zahtev po meri jih loči od drugih prodajalcev. Knjige so bile dostavljene pravočasno in tovarniške storitve za stranke so bile izjemne. Vsekakor se bomo vrnili za prihodnje projekte.
Shawn Morin
Shawn Morin
Predsednik in izvršni direktor pri Ingram Content Group
To tovarno smo kontaktirali za projekt tiskanja po meri, vključno s posebnimi platnicami in edinstvenimi zaključki papirja. Rezultati so izjemni. Tovarni je uspelo našo vizijo uresničiti in nam zagotoviti čudovite knjige, ki so presegle naša pričakovanja. Zaradi njihovega strokovnega znanja in izkušenj pri obdelavi naročil po meri, skupaj z njihovo predanostjo kakovosti, so prva izbira za vse potrebe tiskanja po meri.
Michael Pietsch
Michael Pietsch
Generalni direktor Hachette Book Group
Kot založba moramo pogosto natisniti velike količine knjig v kratkih rokih. Ta objekt je dosledno izpolnjeval naša pričakovanja in vsakič pravočasno dostavil visokokakovostne tiskovine. Njihova ekipa je bila odzivna in strokovna, zaradi česar je celoten proces potekal gladko in učinkovito. Bili smo zelo navdušeni nad njihovo zanesljivostjo in kakovostjo tiskarskih storitev.
Judith Curr
Judith Curr
Predsednik založbe HarperCollins

Pogosto zastavljeno vprašanje

Najpogostejša vprašanja in odgovori

Naša MOQ (najmanjša količina naročila 500) temelji na stroških orodja in namestitve naše tovarne za tiskanje knjig po meri. Ker so ti MOQ nastavljeni v korist naših strank in pomagajo prihraniti stroške.

  • Količina: potrebno število enot.
  • Mere: Mere izdelka.
  • Naslovnica in vsebina: podrobnosti o naslovnici in kakršni koli pisni vsebini.
  • Barvno tiskanje: Določite, ali sta obe strani natisnjeni v barvah (npr. 2-Sided Full Color).
  • Vrsta in teža papirja: Določite vrsto papirja in njegovo težo (npr. 128 gsm Glossy Art Paper).
  • Končna obdelava: zahtevana vrsta končne obdelave (npr. sijajna/mat laminacija, UV premaz).
  • Način vezave: Določite način vezave (npr. Popolna vezava, Trda vezava).

Vsekakor! Kot pri vseh naših naročilih za tiskanje knjig, večje ko je naročilo, nižji so stroški na enoto na splošno (večje količine = prihranek serije).

Čas, potreben za dokončanje vašega naročila, je odvisen od kompleksnosti in obsega vašega specifičnega projekta, ki se določi med vašim začetnim posvetovanjem o pakiranju z našimi strokovnjaki za izdelke.

Da bi izpolnili edinstvene zahteve in specifikacije vsakega projekta, običajno traja od 1 do 3 delovne dni za dokončanje zbiranja vzorcev in od 7 do 12 delovnih dni za dokončanje naročila.

Ko delate s Knjigotiskom, vam ni treba skrbeti, kateri način pošiljanja boste uporabili!

Naši strokovnjaki za izdelke vam bodo pomagali upravljati in načrtovati celotno strategijo pošiljanja in logistike, da vam bodo pomagali prihraniti stroške, medtem ko bo vaša embalaža pravočasno dostavljena izključno na vaš prag!

1. Najboljša datoteka za umetniško delo je PDF, AI, CDR itd.

2. Slike so v najmanj 300 DPI.

3. Popoln prerez na vsaki strani približno 0,12 palca (3 mm).

Sorodna knjiga

Pomaknite se na vrh

pridobite našo ponudbo v 20 minutah

popusti do 40%.