- Хоме
- Боок Принтинг
- Цоокбоок Принтинг
- Хардцовер УВ Цовер Цустом Цоок Цаталогуе Штампање књига
Хардцовер УВ Цовер Цустом Цоок Цаталогуе Штампање књига
увод у штампање књига
Папер Типе | Art Paper, Coated Paper, Offset paper |
Врста производа | Catalogue |
Завршна обрада | Филм Ламинатион |
Принтинг Типе | Офсет штампа |
Штампање логотипа | Цустом |
Материјал производа | Папир и картон |
Бранд Наме | Madacus |
Назив производа | Cooking Book |
Величина | Цустом Сизе |
Употреба | Cooking Learning |
Материјал | Цоатед Папер |
Финисхинг | Сјајна ламинација |
МОК | 500пцс |
Паковање | Opp Bag |
Цертификат | BSCI |
Формат уметничког дела | AI, PDF, PSD, CDR |
Delivery Time | 7-15 Days |
Селлинг Унитс | Појединачна ставка |
Сингле Пацкаге Сизе | 30X22X4 cm |
Појединачна бруто тежина | 0.500 kg |
Cook Catalog Book Printing: Crafting Culinary Perfection with a Touch of Elegance
Introducing our latest offering in Cook Catalog Book Printing—designed to showcase your favorite recipes with finesse and style. Whether you’re an aspiring chef, a seasoned cook, or a brand looking to publish your exclusive recipes, our custom cookbooks bring life to your culinary ideas. With a visually appealing UV hardcover and crisp, high-definition pages, our cookbooks are designed to captivate readers and elevate your recipes into an immersive culinary experience.
The cookbooks in the images provide an inviting and vibrant look at what our Cook Catalog Book Printing services can bring to your kitchen brand or publishing project. The hardcover design ensures durability while the UV cover adds a glossy, premium finish that draws attention immediately. The vibrant imagery of fresh ingredients—such as blueberries, apricots, and various greens—speaks to the natural, wholesome quality of the contents within. This personalized approach to cookbook printing provides an eye-catching display, perfect for retail environments, bookstores, or your family kitchen.
Features of Our Cook Catalog Book Printing
1. High-Quality Hardcover Finish: The first thing you’ll notice about our cookbooks is the high-quality hardcover finish with UV coating. This UV cover adds a layer of gloss that not only enhances the visual appeal of the book but also provides additional protection from everyday wear and tear. This makes our cookbooks perfect for the kitchen environment, where spills and splashes are inevitable. The sturdy hardcover also ensures that your book will stand the test of time, preserving cherished family recipes for years to come.
2. Vivid and Colorful Design: Each book is designed to make the content visually appealing, with high-resolution images that showcase each dish in mouth-watering detail. Our Cook Catalog Book Printing services ensure that the colors are vibrant, and every image is printed with remarkable clarity. Whether it’s the enticing glisten of a freshly baked cheesecake or the vibrant green of fresh vegetables, each page tells a story through its visuals, inviting readers to engage with every recipe.
3. Customizable for Unique Preferences: We understand that every cookbook tells a unique story, which is why our Cook Catalog Book Printing services offer customization options. You can personalize every element of your cookbook, from cover design to the page layout. Whether you prefer a more rustic design or a modern, minimalist look, we can bring your vision to life. The images provided show examples of beautifully personalized cookbooks—each with distinct designs that cater to individual tastes and preferences.
4. Flexible Layout Options: The internal layout of the cookbooks features a mix of full-page images, ingredient lists, and step-by-step instructions. The catalog-like design ensures that each recipe is easy to follow, while also maintaining an elegant presentation. Our design options range from spiral-bound pages for easy reference to traditional bound pages that are more suited for display purposes. The double-page spreads are perfect for showcasing complex recipes, with one page featuring a beautiful image of the dish and the other providing comprehensive instructions.
5. Perfect for Family Favorites and Brand Collections: Our Cook Catalog Book Printing services are ideal for capturing family favorite recipes or creating a brand-specific collection of culinary delights. As seen in the images, these cookbooks are more than just recipe guides—they are keepsakes, capturing the heart and soul of the kitchen. Imagine passing down a family heirloom of beloved recipes, all beautifully compiled in a professionally printed hardcover cookbook. For culinary brands, these cookbooks are an ideal way to create product catalogs with recipes that use your brand’s ingredients, encouraging brand loyalty and consumer engagement.
6. Elegant Binding and Practical Features: Binding quality is essential for any cookbook, as it needs to withstand frequent use. Our hardcover cookbooks feature robust binding that ensures durability. The images demonstrate how the binding lies flat, making it easy to follow along with recipes without the pages flipping back—an essential feature for usability in the kitchen. In addition, ribbon markers can be added to help keep track of favorite recipes, adding both function and a touch of sophistication.
Why Choose Our Cook Catalog Book Printing Services?
Custom Experience: From the initial concept to the final product, our Cook Catalog Book Printing services are fully customizable. You decide what suits your brand, family, or individual needs, and we work to make it happen. This flexibility ensures that your cookbook is truly unique and represents your style.
Expert Craftsmanship: Our team of printing experts brings years of experience to every project. We use top-of-the-line printing technology and quality control measures to ensure that your cookbook meets the highest standards. The hardcover UV coating is meticulously applied to provide a polished, professional appearance that will wow your readers.
Attention to Detail: Every element of the cookbook—from the cover art to the layout of each recipe—is handled with great attention to detail. The images show the care and precision that go into creating each cookbook, with crisp text and perfectly placed images that enhance the overall reading experience.
Affordable and Scalable Solutions: Whether you’re printing a small run for family and friends or a large batch for commercial distribution, our services are affordable and scalable to your needs. We offer competitive pricing without compromising quality, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.
Perfect for Various Uses: Our Cook Catalog Book Printing services cater to various needs—whether you want a personal family cookbook, a branded recipe book, or even a promotional catalog featuring culinary products. The versatility of our printing process allows us to create cookbooks that serve multiple purposes, making them an excellent investment for individuals and businesses alike.
Engage Readers with High-Quality Cook Catalog Books
The images provided demonstrate how our Cook Catalog Book Printing services bring the essence of cooking to life. From vibrant photographs to easy-to-follow instructions, our cookbooks are crafted to engage readers and make cooking a more enjoyable experience. The hardcover, UV-coated design ensures that these cookbooks will look stunning on any kitchen shelf, while the robust binding ensures they will be treasured for years to come.
By choosing our services, you’ll be able to present your recipes in a way that not only informs but also inspires. Each cookbook is a work of art—crafted with care and attention to detail. It is this dedication to quality that sets our Cook Catalog Book Printing services apart from the competition.
Final Thoughts
If you’re ready to take the next step in bringing your culinary creations to the world, our Cook Catalog Book Printing services are here to help. With a range of customization options, high-quality printing, and expert craftsmanship, we are committed to delivering a cookbook that exceeds your expectations. Let us help you create a beautiful, professional-quality cookbook that will delight your readers and showcase your recipes in the best possible light.
Get in touch today to learn more about how we can turn your collection of recipes into a stunning cookbook that you’ll be proud to share with family, friends, or customers.
Опције папира за штампање књига
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Површинска обрада штампања књига је кључни корак у побољшању текстуре и трајности дела.
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Ми смо водећи произвођач за прилагођено штампање књига. Имамо пет јединствених карактеристика за прилагођавање штампања књига у поређењу са другим добављачима. Постоји 30 инжењера у нашем одељењу за истраживање и развој, преко 300 искусних оператера у нашим линијама производа за штампање књига. Можемо да обезбедимо решење на једном месту са бесплатним прилагођеним услугама и брзом испоруком. Ако тражите услуге штампања високог квалитета 1001ТП3Т, контактирајте нас сада за бесплатну понуду! Никада се нећете разочарати.
Имају поверења светских брендова
Више од 10.000 купаца нас воли
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Често постављана питања
Најчешћа питања и одговори
Наш МОК (минимална количина поруџбине 500) заснива се на трошковима алата и подешавања за нашу фабрику за производњу штампања књига по мери. Зато што су ови МОК постављени у корист наших купаца како би се уштедели трошкови.
- Количина: Број потребних јединица.
- Димензије: Димензије производа.
- Корица и садржај: Детаљи насловнице и било који писани садржај.
- Штампање у боји: Одредите да ли се обе стране штампају у пуној боји (нпр. 2-Сидед Фулл Цолор).
- Тип и тежина папира: Одредите врсту папира и његову тежину (нпр. 128гсм Глосси Арт Папер).
- Завршна обрада: врста завршне обраде која је потребна (нпр. сјајна/мат ламинација, УВ премаз).
- Метод повезивања: Наведите метод повезивања (нпр. Перфецт Боунд, Хардцовер).
Апсолутно! Као и код свих наших поруџбина за штампање књига, што је већа поруџбина, то је генерално нижи јединични трошак (веће количине = уштеде серије).
Време потребно за довршење ваше поруџбине зависи од сложености и обима вашег конкретног пројекта, који се утврђује током ваших почетних консултација о паковању са нашим стручњацима за производе.
Да би се испунили јединствени захтеви и спецификације сваког пројекта, обично је потребно 1 до 3 радна дана да се заврши прикупљање узорака и 7 до 12 радних дана да се заврши поруџбина.
Када радите са штампањем књига, не морате да бринете о избору начина испоруке!
Наши стручњаци за производе ће вам помоћи да управљате и планирате целокупну стратегију транспорта и логистике како би вам помогли да уштедите трошкове док вам се паковање испоручује искључиво на кућни праг на време!
1. Најбоља датотека за уметничка дела је ПДФ, АИ, ЦДР, итд.
2. Слике су у најмање 300 ДПИ.
3. Пуно издувајте сваку страну око 0,12 инча (3 мм).